Chances are I’ll end up at a bar with a bunch of guys, and most likely the fact that I’ve travelled all over the world will come up, in which case the topic of which countries have the most beautiful women will DEFINITELY come up. We are men after all, and exotic, foreign beauties have drawn men to travel through the ages just as surely as power and wealth. In no particular order, this is my personal list of where to find the world’s most beautiful women, and why. Ladies, bearing in mind the overall silliness of this article, feel free to share your own list of the world’s hottest men.
Disclaimer: Beauty being subjective, I can assure all readers that every one of the 115 countries I’ve visited has no shortage of beautiful, smart and incredible women, gorgeously represented in an endless variety of wonderful shapes and sizes.

- Argentina
Latino girls dressed to kill with an attitude to match, there’s no shortage of head turners in Argentina. I remember sitting at a coffee shop in Buenos Aires, amazed at the sheer amount of bombshells walking past me. Where did they all come from? Where do they all go? I got one warm lead who played me like violin throughout the week. I should have known better. I was forewarned that girls in Argentina like their “soup warm”, meaning, they like to keep their dating options open, but are notoriously non-committal.

- Brazil
Well now, everything you’ve heard about Brazilian girls is true I’m afraid. The way they dress with dental floss, the way they wear their sexuality so openly, the way they brazenly don’t waste any time. But by far the best aspect of Brazilian girls is the way they move; the way a drum beat shakes their bodies (and their booties) like nowhere else. They’re also loving, loyal, and wonderfully generous. I should know…I’m married to one.

- Colombia
My last country in South America is Colombia, which battles with Venezuela for the most internationally recognized beauty queens. Granted it’s a little strange how acceptable and encouraged cosmetic surgery is, and a little sad too. These are beautiful women, no improvements necessary. At a night club in Bogota I couldn’t believe how genuinely friendly the girls were, and there were plenty of them. Colombia has a reputation for women outnumbering men by eight to one!

- Israel
It’s no surprise to me that Gal Gadot has mesmerized the planet with her beauty. The women in Israel are not only beautiful, they are fiercely spirited too. This is natural when you consider that every one of them has spent two full years in the army, learning how to defend themselves, learning to be warriors. Flirting with a stunning girl in an army uniform, an Uzi swung around her waist, is an interesting, and yet undoubtedly electrifying experience.
- Ukraine

Male travellers walking the busy streets of Kiev are forgiven if they stop and stare. It’s impossible not too. With cheekbones that could carve a thanksgiving turkey, Ukrainian women dress like they’re going to ballroom dances, at 8am in the morning. Short skirts, heels so tall they could be stilts…they’ve got it, and they’re determined to use it.

- Romania
Still in Eastern Europe, Romania features on my list because of that hot summer day in Bucharest where it appeared to me that the entire female population had burned their bras. With the low cut summer dresses displaying a very distracting amount of jiggle, it’s no wonder the men drive like crazy.

- France
A bit of a personal toss-up here between the women of Italy and the women of France. I went with the French for no other reason than the girls there seem less harassed, and therefore a little more comfortable and natural in public spaces. Italian machismo must drive the ladies crazy…

- Japan
Into Asia now, and how I remember the girls of Tokyo! The eccentric way they dress, their strange customs (if you get a chance, don’t miss the Harajuku girls gathering in all their gothic fantasy glory). While there’s an unmistakable steeliness behind the cheekbones of Eastern European, in Japan there’s a softness and a gentleness that can be intoxicating, for Japanese men, and for geijins (foreigners) too.

- Philippines
Asian women are beautiful, period. I’m adding Filipino girls because they’ve been wooing men from around the world for centuries, and it was very easy for me to see why. Petite and friendly, I know there’s a stigma attached to the word cute but I use it (along with all the other adjectives on this page) in its most flattering sense.

- Canada
Ladies of Canada, I salute you. Neither the Australians, South Africans, the English, nor the women of the United States can compare. Whether it’s the girls of the West Coast, dressed in their form-fitting yogaware, the feisty prairie girls, the style and sass of Ontario and Quebec, the down home wholesomeness of the East Coast, guys travelling about in Canada gather in bars and freak the hell out. “There’s just so many!” said two English guys I met in a downtown Vancouver bar, and they weren’t talking about maple leaf trees. Canadian women can stand the cold, turn up the heat, and easily rock the runway of any laddish list of this sort.